Python Graphical Interface

Insights of Display
Widgets in Qt Designer

A.I Hub
15 min readSep 25, 2024
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In Qt Designer, display widgets are the cornerstone of any visually engaging and informative application. Whether you are looking to present static text, dynamic data or live feedback to users, these widgets transform your interface into an interactive hub. The Label widget is your go-to for simple yet effective text and image displays, bringing clarity to your interface. For more dynamic content, the Text Browser enables rich text viewing with hyperlinks and HTML support, making it perfect for manuals or web based content. The Calendar Widget brings sleek and intuitive date selection, ideal for scheduling apps or any date-related functionality. When it comes to numerical displays, the LCD Number widget captures attention with its futuristic digital aesthetic, giving real-time feedback with style. And let’s not forget the Progress Bar, an essential tool for visually tracking task completion or loading states, keeping users informed and engaged as processes unfold. These display widgets are not just functional but they elevate the user experience by providing essential visual cues in a clean and professional manner.

Table of Content

  • Introduction to the display widgets in Qt Designer
  • Label
  • Text browser
  • Calendar widget
  • LCD number
  • Progress bar

Introduction to the Display Widgets in Qt Designer

This is the final section on Qt Designer in which we
will deal with some display widgets of Qt Designer.

Different input widgets of Qt Designer

We shall discuss the importance of each input widget one by


A QLabel widget in PyQt5 is a display widget used to display

text, an image, or any animated GIF on a GUI form page. It
can be used to inform the user, by displaying PlainText,
RichText or an image.

Important properties

Let us check some important properties now.


This property will hold the QLabel object text.

Image depicting text property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold the QLabel object text format. Default
format selected is AutoText.

Image depicting textFormat property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold the QLabel object pixmap.

Image depicting pixmap property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold whether QLabel object will scale its
contents to fill all the available space.

Image depicting scaledContents property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold QLabel object content alignment.

Image depicting alignment property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will determine whether QLabel object will wrap

the text at necessary word breaks. The default value is

Image depicting wordWrap property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold the width of the margin separation
between the innermost pixel of frame and outermost pixel of
content surrounding the QLabel object content.

Image depicting margin property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will hold the QLabel object text indent in pixels.

Image depicting indent property of QLabel in Qt Designer


This property will specify whether the QLabel object should
automatically open external links using openUrl() instead of

linkActivated() signal emitting. The default value is False.

Image depicting openExternalLinks property of QLabel in Qt



This property will describe how the QLabel object should
respond to user interaction if it displays text.

Image depicting textInteractionFlags property of QLabel in Qt


This property will hold the QLabel object buddy widget. A
widget is connected to another widget using the buddy
mechanism so that they can be used in combination.

Image depicting buddy property of QLabel in Qt Designer

Important Methods/Signals

  • setText(arg__1): This method will set the text of the QLabel

    object to the specified argument arg__1, which is of type

  • setPixmap(arg__1): This method will set the image or

    pixmap to the QLabel object to the specified argument

    arg__1, which is of QPixmap object.
  • setTextInteractionFlags(flags): This method will set the

    text interaction flags of QLabel object, and the flags will

    determine how the user will interact with the text in

    the QLabel object.
  • linkActivated(link): This signal is emitted when the link
    URL of the activated link in QLabel object is activated.
  • linkHovered(link): This signal is emitted when the mouse

    hovers over a link in QLabel object.

Now, we shall see an example of QLabel widget.

Details of file names
Qt Designer file: Label/label_eg1.ui

Consider the following code of

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow,
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from label_eg1 import *
class MyLabel(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.myui = Ui_MainWindow()

# displaying rich text
self.myui.mylbl1.setText("Displaying plain text.")

# displaying rich text
color='green'>Displaying rich text.</font>")

self.myui.lineEdit.setText("Buddy with Label")
# setting the buddy property of the label
to the LineEdit object


# displaying image

if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
screen = MyLabel()


Output of Label/

In this example, we have used horizontal and vertical lines,

which are class lines. These lines are typically used as
separators to visually divide sections of the GUI page. They
can be used to group related widgets together, making the
form more organized and easier to navigate.

Text Browser

A rich text browser with hypertext navigation capabilities is
offered by PyQt5’s QtextBrowser class. The user can interact
with the text by clicking on links and selecting the text and
it is used to display formatted text, including images and
links. The read-only QtextBrowser class extends the QtextEdit
class and offers more functionality for displaying and

navigating hypertext. It supports a number of text types,
including plain text, HTML and Markdown. Cascading Style
Sheets and inline HTML tags can be used to style the

Important properties

It contains properties of QtextEdit. The other properties are
discussed in the sections.


The URL of the current document displayed in the QtextBrowser

object can be set or obtained using this property. Both the
source() method and setSource() method can be used to get
and set it.

Image depicting source property of QTextBrowser in Qt Designer


This property will hold the search paths used by the
QtextBrowser object to search for resources such as images
and documents.

Image depicting source searchPaths of QTextBrowser in Qt



This property determines whether links that lead to external
URLs should be opened within QTextBrowser object or as a

separate application. The default value is False.

Image depicting openExternalLinks property of QTextBrowser in
Qt Designer


If the user attempts to activate links using the mouse or
keyboard, QTextBrowser should automatically open those links,

according to this property. The default value is True.

Image depicting openLinks property of QTextBrowser in Qt


Important Methods/Signals

  • isBackwardAvailable(): If the backward history is available

    to navigate in the QTextBrowser object, then this method
    will return True; else will return False.
  • isForwardAvailable(): If the forward history is available to

    navigate in the QTextBrowser object, then this method will

    return True; else will return False.
  • anchorClicked(arg_ _1): This signal is emitted when a

    hyperlink is clicked in the QTextBrowser object.
  • sourceChanged(arg_ _1): This signal is emitted when the

    source of the QTextBrowser object changes.

Now, we shall see an example of QTextBrowser widget.

Details of file names
Qt Designer file : TextBrowser/textbrowser_eg1.ui

Consider the following code of

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import
from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor
from textbrowser_eg1 import *
class MyTextBrowser(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.myui = Ui_MainWindow()
size: 24px;')


def my_btn_clickme(self):

Bolloywood movies list')
lms_of_2023>Bollywood Movies 2023</a>')
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
screen = MyTextBrowser()


Default output of TextBrowser/

Case — When Click Me button is clicked, then the text will be

appended in the text browser widget. User may click the

hyperlink text Bollywood Movies 2023 and if connected to
internet, then it will navigate to that web page.

Output of TextBrowser/ when Click Me
button is clicked

Calendar Widget

The PyQt5 widget QCalendarWidget offers a monthly calendar
view and allows users to select a date. Events,
appointments and other time-based information can be
displayed using the above widget. Numerous customization

options are available for the widget, including choosing the

first day of the week, specifying a minimum and maximum

date range and enabling or disabling certain dates.
Programmatic retrieval of the selected date or range is also

possible or through signals emitted by the widget.

Important properties

Let us explore some important properties now.


This property view will hold the currently selected date,
which must be within the dateRange specified by the minimumDate

and maximumDate property of QCalendarWidget object.

Image depicting selectedDate property of QCalendarWidget in Qt


The minimum date of the currently specified date range of

QCalendarWidget object is held by this property.

Image depicting minimumDate property of QCalendarWidget in Qt


The maximum date of the currently specified date range of

QCalendarWidget object is held by this property.

Image depicting maximumDate property of QCalendarWidget in
Qt Designer


This property will get or set the first day of the week in the

QCalendarWidget object.

Image depicting firstDayOfWeek property of QCalendarWidget in
Qt Designer


This property will get or set the visibility in the grid lines in

the QCalendarWidget object.

Image depicting gridVisible property of QCalendarWidget in Qt


This property will hold the selection type the user can make

in the QCalendarWidget object. The user will be unable to select

the dates on NoSelection or can select a date within the
minimum and maximum allowed dates on SingleSelection.

Image depicting selectionMode property of QCalendarWidget in
Qt Designer


This property will get or set the format of the horizontal

Image depicting horizontalHeaderFormat property of

QCalendarWidget in Qt Designer


This property will get or set the format of the vertical header.

Image depicting verticalHeaderFormat property of

QCalendarWidget in Qt Designer


This property will determine whether the navigation bar is to

be displayed or not in the QCalendarWidget object.

Image depicting navigationBarVisible property of

QCalendarWidget in Qt Designer


This property determines whether the date edit popup is
enabled or not.

Image depicting dateEditEnabled property of QCalendarWidget in
Qt Designer


This property specifies the time delay default value is 1500

in milliseconds the date edit will remain active following the

most recent user input. The popup is closed once the time
has elapsed, thus accepting the date specified in the date

Image depicting dateEditAcceptDelay property of

QCalendarWidget in Qt Designer

Important Methods/Signals

Just prepend the word set in the properties of the above
widget and we will get the required methods. We will discuss
an important signal in this section.


This signal is emitted when the user changes the currently

selected date in the QCalendarWidget object.
Now, we shall see an example of QCalendarWidget.

Details of file names
Qt Designer file : CalendarWidget/calendarwidget_eg1.ui

Consider the following code of

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import
from calendarwidget_eg1 import *
class MyCalendarWidget(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.myui = Ui_MainWindow()

# Connect the calendar's selectionChanged
signal to the update_label method


# Define a method to set the label object text
with the selected date
def my_display_date(self):
self.myui.mylbl.setText('Selected date is:
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
screen = MyCalendarWidget()


Default output of CalendarWidget/

Case — When any date is selected from the QCalendarWidget

object, the selected date will be displayed in the label

Output of CalendarWidget/ when any
date is selected from the QCalendar widget object

LCD Number

The PyQt5 widget QLCDNumber shows a numerical value in a

seven-segment LCD display. In GUI forms, it is commonly
used to display numerical data, such as sensor, timer and
other measurements. As a QFrame subclass, QLCDNumber offers a

number of methods and properties to control the LCD
display’s appearance and behavior.

Important properties

Let us check some important properties now.


This property will hold the decimal point style of QLCDNumber
object. The default value is False, indicating that the

decimal point is displayed as a large dot. When set to True,
the decimal point is displayed as a small dot.

Image depicting smallDecimalPoint property of QLCDNumber in
Qt Designer


This property will set the current number of digits displayed
in the QLCDNumber object. The default value is 5.

Image depicting digitCount property of QLCDNumber in Qt



This property will set the current display mode of the
QLCDNumber object which can be hexadecimal, decimal, octal or
binary. The default value is Dec.

Image depicting mode property of QLCDNumber in Qt Designer


This property will set the style of the QLCDNumber object. Raised

segments filled with background color are produced when

style is Outline filled. Raised segments filled with foreground

color are produced when style is Filled default value. Flat
segments filled with foreground color are produced when
style is Flat.

Image depicting segmentStyle property of QLCDNumber in Qt


This property will set the numeric value displayed in the QLCDNumber object. Value can be integer or float value.

Image depicting value property of QLCDNumber in Qt Designer


This property will be truncated to the nearest integer to the
current value displayed by the QLCDNumber object.

Image depicting intValue property of QLCDNumber in Qt Designer

Important Methods/Signals


This method will set the numeric value displayed in the

QLCDNumber object. The parameter num can be of integer or
double type.
Now, we shall see an example of QLCDNumber widget.

Details of file names
Qt Designer file: LCDNumber/lcdnumber_eg1.ui

Consider the following code of

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import
QMainWindow,QApplication, QLCDNumber
from lcdnumber_eg1 import *
class MyLCDNumber(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.myui = Ui_MainWindow()

# Set the minimum and maximum values for
the vertical slider
# change the segment style to flat

# Connect the slider's valueChanged signal
to the lcd's display slot


if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
screen = MyLCDNumber()


Default output of LCDNumber/

Case — The numeric value in the LCDNumber widget is
displayed when the vertical slider is moved.

Output of LCDNumber/ when the vertical
slider is moved.

Progress Bar

In PyQt5, the QProgressBar widget is used to display an
operation’s progress. It is often used to display the status of
a task when the user must wait for the operation to finish,
such as a file download or data transfer. The QProgressBar

widget provides a visual indication that displays the
operation’s progress. The progress bar grows in length as
long as the operation progresses. Additionally, the widget
provides a label that may be used to display a message

which describes the operation being performed. A horizontal

or vertical progress bar is provided by the QProgressBar widget.

Important properties

Let us check some important properties now.


This property will hold the minimum value of the QProgressBar
object. The default value is 0.

Image depicting minimum property of QProgressBar in Qt



This property will hold the maximum value of the QProgressBar
object. The default value is 100.

Image depicting maximum property of QProgressBar in Qt



This property will hold the current value of the QProgressBar
object. The default value is 24.

Image depicting value property of QProgressBar in Qt Designer


This property will represent the alignment of the QProgressBar

object. User may choose the options for both horizontal and

vertical alignment.

Image depicting alignment property of QProgressBar in Qt



This property will determine whether QProgressBar object’s

value should be displayed as text or not. The default value is

Image depicting textVisible property of QProgressBar in Qt



This property will represent the orientation of the QProgressBar

object, which can be set to either horizontal or vertical. The
default value is Horizontal.

Image depicting orientation property of QProgressBar in Qt



This property will determine whether the appearance of

QProgressBar object should be inverted or not. The default
value is False.

Image depicting invertedAppearance property of QProgressBar in
Qt Designer


This property will have no impact on the horizontal
QProgressBar object and will hold the text reading direction on
vertical QProgressBar object. The default value is TopToBottom.

Image depicting textDirection property of QProgressBar in Qt


This property will represent the QProgressBar object’s text

format where %p is replaced by percentage completed, %m for

the total number of steps and %v for the current value. The
default value is %p%.

Image depicting format property of QProgressBar in Qt Designer

Important methods/signals

Just prepend the word set in the properties of the above
widget, and we will get the required methods. We have an
important and useful signal for the above widget which is
valueChanged() signal.


This signal is emitted whenever the value in the QProgressBar

object changes programmatically or due to user interaction. The value argument is of type int, which is the new value of

QProgressBar object after the change.
Now, we shall see an example of QProgressBar.

Details of file names
Qt Designer file: ProgressBar/progressbar_eg1.ui

Consider the following code of

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import
from progressbar_eg1 import *
class MyProgressBar(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.myui = Ui_MainWindow()
def my_start_counting(self):
self.myui.progressBar.setRange(0, 1000)
for i in range(1, 1001):
self.myui.mylbl.setText(f"Count No is:
QApplication.processEvents() #
processing any pending events for updating the UI
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
myprogress_bar_widget = MyProgressBar()


Output of ProgressBar/

There are other widgets which are Graphics View and OpenGL
widget which the reader can explore on their own.


In this section, we have learned about concepts of various

display widgets available in Qt and how to effectively utilize

them to create interactive user interfaces. Through the exploration of various widgets, we have gained knowledge
on how to effectively display static text or images using
labels and along with the ability to customize their font, colour,
alignment and size. Furthermore, we have recognized the
significance of labels in enhancing the visual presentation of
information in a graphical user interface. The TextBrowser

widget has been thoroughly examined, enabling us to grasp

its features for displaying and controlling rich text content.

We have learned how to incorporate hyperlinks, graphics

and formatting choices to create dynamic and interactive
text displays. This knowledge opens up opportunities for
creating engaging and versatile user interfaces. Moreover,
the section delved into adding a calendar widget to our GUI
application. By understanding how to customize its appearance, structure and behavior, we are equipped to

tailor the calendar widget to meet the specific requirements
of our application. The LCDNumber widget has been introduced
as a means to display numerical values, such as counters,
with the added capability of modifying its digit count,
decimal accuracy, look and style. This widget provides a

visually appealing and customizable way to present numeric
data to users. Finally, we explored the ProgressBar widget,

which enables us to visualize the progress of a task or
operation. Understanding how to dynamically update the
progress bar based on our application’s needs allows for
effective feedback and user engagement. Armed with this
knowledge, the user is now equipped to create visually

appealing, interactive and functional graphical user interfaces.



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A.I Hub

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