Module 9 — Random Variable

3 min readAug 8, 2023


Image by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

In this step by step article, we will delve into the concept of random variables, explore their numerical description and provide precise theoretical and practical knowledge for gaining a solid command on random variables. Let’s Dive In !


Uncertainty is inherent in various real world scenarios from weather forecasting to stock market predictions. Random variables provides mathematical framework for quantifying uncertainty and formulating probability distributions.

Step 1 — Understanding Random Variables

Random variables are mathematical entities that associate numerical values with random outcomes of uncertain events. They act as placeholder for potential outcomes and commonly denoted by uppercase letters like X, Y. Each random variable corresponds to a particular probability distribution that determines the likelihood of various values it can take.

Step 2 — Discrete and Continuous Random Variables

Random variables can be classified into two types:

  • Discrete
  • Continuous


Discrete random variables have a countable set of possible outcomes.


Continuous random variables have an infinite range of possible outcomes within a certain interval.

Step 3 — Probability Mass Function

For a discrete random variable X, the probability of mass function provides the probabilities of different outcomes. It maps each value x to its corresponding probability P(X =x). In Practical, we can represent the PMF as a dictionary or an array.

Step 4 — Probability Density Function

In the case of continuous random variables, the probability density function is used to describe the likelihood of different values. Unlike PMF, The PDF only provides relative probabilities and the probability of any specific value is zero due to the infinite number of possibilities in a continuous range.

Step 5 — Expected Value and Variance

The expected value (mean) and variance are essential measures that summarize the central tendency and spread of a random variable respectively. For a discrete random variable the expected value is calculated as the weighted sum of all possible values using their corresponding probabilities. For a continuous random variable the expected value is given by the integral of the product of the value and the PDF.

Step 6 — Generating Random Samples

To simulate real world scenarios we often need to generate random samples from a given probability distribution. Using libraries like NumPy in Python we can easily achieve this.


Random variables serve as a fundamental concept in probability theory enabling us to quantify uncertainty and model diverse real world phenomena. By understanding and utilizing probability distributions along with code snippets for precise computations we can analyze and simulate uncertain events more effectively. Embrace the power of random variables and unlock new insights into the fascinating world of uncertainty.




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