Module 11 — Probability Mass Function

2 min readAug 8, 2023


Image by Unsplash+ on Unsplash

In this article, we will delve into the details of PMF and provides precise code snippets to illustrate its implementation.


In probability theory, the Probability Mass Function (PMF) is a fundamental concept that describes the probability distribution of a discrete random variable. It assigns probabilities to individual outcomes in a sample space allowing us to analyze and make predictions in various fields such as statistics, data science and machine learning.

Step 1 — Defining the Probability Mass Function

The Probability Mass Function denoted as P(X = x). It calculates the probability that a discrete random variable X takes on a specific value 'x' from its sample space.

P(X = x) >= 0 for all values of 'x’.

The sum of all probabilities over all possible values of 'x' in the sample space equals to 1.

Step 2 — PMF Implementation in Python

Let’s begin by implementing the PMF in Python. We’ll use a dictionary to store the probabilities of each outcome.

Step 3 — Sample Dataset and Calculating PMF

For better understanding, let’s consider a simple example. Suppose we have a dataset representing the outcomes of rolling a fair six sided die.

Step 4 — Visualizing the PMF

To get a clearer picture of the PMF you can plot it using libraries like Matplotlib.

Step 5 — Interpreting the Results

With the PMF calculated and visualized we can now interpret the probabilities. In our example, the PMF will show that each outcome (1 to 6) has an equal probability of 1/6, as the die is fair.


The Probability Mass Function is a powerful tool for understanding the likelihood of different outcomes in a discrete random variable. By precisely implementing the PMF with Python code snippets, we have demonstrated how it can be applied to real world datasets. Remember to use PMF responsibly to analyze data and make informed decisions based on probability distributions.




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