Introduction To Python
Python has taken the tech world by storm and for good reason. From its clean syntax to its powerful libraries, it stands as one of the most versatile programming languages in existence. But what exactly makes Python so popular? Whether you are a seasoned developer or just dipping your toes into coding, Python’s implementation across industries is a game-changer, reshaping how we approach software development. Before we get into all that, though, let’s walk through the essential first step, installing Python on your system. Once you are set up, you can dive into Python’s Interactive Mode, a playground for testing code on the fly. Want to run an entire script? No problem! With a few simple commands, executing a Python script is as easy as writing it. And if you prefer a graphical interface, IDLE is your go-to environment, offering a seamless experience for developing Python code. Unsure where to begin? Don’t worry about Python’s built-in help system is always ready to assist, making sure you’re never lost as you explore the limitless possibilities of this incredible language
Table of Content
- Introduction to python
- What makes Python so popular
- Python implementation
- Installing Python
- Python Interactive Mode
- Executing a Python Script
- Getting Help
Introduction To Python
Python is a widely used high-level and general purpose programming language originally developed by Guido Van Rossum in the early 1990s in the Netherlands. It is maintained by a community of core developers who are actively engaged in its growth and advancement. Although the official logo of Python shows two intertwined snakes, it is not named after any snake. Van Rossum named this language after a 1970s comedy show Monty
Python’s Flying Circus. Python has three major versions, the initial version, Python 1.0 was released
in January 1994. The second major version, Python 2.0 was released in 2000 and the third major version, Python 3.0 was released in 2008. Python 3 is not backward compatible with Python 2 this means that the code written
in Python 2 may not work as expected in Python 3 without making some modifications. In this section, we will use Python 3. The latest release of Python is available on its official website Python is an open-source software, which means that it is free to use and distribute.
Check out the code here:
What Makes Python so Popular
Python is a general purpose language used in a wide variety of domains. It is
used extensively in different fields such as web development, data mining,
artificial intelligence, image processing, robotics, network programming,
developing user interfaces, database programming, scientific and
mathematical computing, game programming and even education. Most of
the top companies and organizations, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and NASA use Python in different ways. Let us see some of the key factors
that contributes to Python’s popularity.
Python is very easy to learn. It doesn’t take much time to become productive
with Python. This is why it is often the introductory programming language
taught in many universities. Compared to languages such as C++ or Java,
Python code tends to be more concise, requiring fewer lines of code to
achieve the same functionality. Due to the simple syntax of Python, programmers can focus more on finding the solution to a problem instead of
getting caught up in complex language features. Python uses indentation for
grouping together statements, resulting in a visually clean layout that
enhances code readability.
Python offers a convenient command line interface known as the Python
interactive shell or Python REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). With the Python
interpreter, you have the option to work interactively, allowing you to test
and debug small sections of code in real-time. The interactive mode serves
as a useful tool for experimenting and exploring Python’s features.
One of the main advantages of Python is that it takes care of memory
management automatically. Python’s built-in memory management system
allocates memory when needed and frees it up when it is no longer in use.
Programmers do not have to worry about managing memory manually as
they would have to do in other languages like C or C++.
Python includes a vast standard library of modules, this is why the phrase
Batteries included is often used for Python. These modules contain code
that you can use in your own programs. In addition to the extensive standard
library, many third party libraries are also available for use. Thus, you have
access to lots of prewritten reusable code in the form of standard library
modules and third-party modules, which can do most of the work for you
and save you from reinventing the wheel. This code can be incorporated into
your code to develop complex solutions with minimal effort. Whether you
are working on web programming, creating graphics, analyzing data,
performing mathematical calculations, engaging in scientific computing, or
developing games, you will find reusable code modules that can help you
achieve your goals.
Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural,
functional and object-oriented programming. Thus, programmers have the
flexibility to choose the coding structure that best suits their needs. The
object oriented features of Python are much easier to implement and are more intuitive when compared to similar features found in other
programming languages.
Python is a cross-platform and portable programming language, which
means that programs written in Python can be developed and executed on
various hardware platforms and operating systems. The same code can be
executed on multiple platforms without making any significant changes. The
cross-platform development minimizes the efforts required to adapt the
programs to different systems and thus facilitates code reuse and sharing on
different platforms.
Python has the capability to interact with software components written in
other languages. Python code can call libraries written in C and C++, and it
can also integrate with components developed in Java and .NET. This allows
Python programmers to tap into the strengths and functionalities of other
languages and libraries written in them. Python is also embeddable which
means that Python code can be placed within the code of another language
like C or C++.
Another reason for Python’s popularity is its large base of active and
supportive developer community. Community members are actively engaged
in improving and enhancing the capabilities of Python as well as in
developing various libraries and tools. There are numerous resources and
extensive support available due to the vibrant community members.
Python has emerged as the preferred programming language for developers
because of its ease of use and powerful features. It is suitable both for
beginners and experts alike, and due to its versatility, it can be used in a
variety of applications.
In the next section we will learn about Python implementations and will see
what happens internally when a Python program is executed. While it is not
necessary to have this knowledge in order to write and run programs, having
a fundamental understanding of what occurs behind the scenes during
program execution is beneficial for a comprehensive understanding of the
Python Implementation
The terms C, C++, Basic, Java or Python refer to programming languages which are essentially sets of rules and specifications. In order to use these
languages, they need to be implemented by creating software that allows us
to write programs in that language and run them on a computer. The
implementation of a language is the program that actually runs the code that
you write in that language. An implementation translates the source code to
native machine code instructions (binary 0s and 1s) so that the computer’s
processor can execute it.
There are primarily two approaches to implementing a programming
language, compilation and interpretation. In compilation, a compiler
translates the complete program code in one go to another language such as
machine code or bytecode. If the translated code is machine code that is
understood by the processor, then it is directly executed and if it is
bytecode, then it has to be again input to another interpreter or compiler. In
interpretation, an interpreter translates the code to machine code one line at a
time; a line of code is read, translated and executed, then the next line is
read, translated and executed, and so on. The code is translated line by line
at run time, so the interpreted implementations tend to be slower than the
compiled ones, which translate the whole code at once.
An implementation of a language can be a compiler, interpreter or a
combination of both. A programming language can have multiple
implementations and these implementations can be written in different
languages and can use different approaches to compile or interpret code. The
notion of interpretation and compilation is associated with language
implementation rather than the language itself; describing a language as
compiled or interpreted is not technically correct. The language
implementations that are written for a language are described as compiled or
interpreted and not the language. Compilation or interpretation is not a part
of the language specification; it is an implementation decision. The
implementations of C and C++ mostly use the compilation approach, while
Java, Python and C# implementations generally use a combination of
compilation and interpretation techniques. C and C++ compilers translate
source code to machine code, which is executed directly by the processor.
Python has multiple implementations. The original and standard
implementation of Python is CPython written in C language. It is the most
widely used and up-to-date implementation of Python. When you download Python software from the official site, this is the implementation
that you get. The other implementations are Jython written in Java and
IronPython written for the .NET platform. PyPy is the implementation that is
written in RPython, which is a subset of Python.
The software that is used for running Python programs is referred to as
Python interpreter. Let us understand how CPython interpreter combines the
compilation and interpretation techniques to execute a Python program.
We write our Python code in a source file (.py file) but the computer cannot
understand and execute this code; it can execute only machine code, which
consists of instructions written in binary form (0s and 1s). The source code
has to be converted to machine code so that the processor can execute it. The
source code is not directly converted to machine code. It is first compiled
into an intermediate form known as the byte code. This byte code is a low-level code that is Python-specific and platform independent, but it is not
understandable to the processor.
There is another software called Python Virtual Machine that is
responsible for executing this byte code on a specific platform. The byte code
passes through the Python Virtual machine; it interprets this byte code, which
means that it converts the byte code instructions to machine code instructions
one by one and sends these machine code instructions to the processor for
execution and we get the output. So, the job of PVM is to convert the
byte code instructions to machine code instructions that the processor can
understand and execute.
This is what happens when we execute a Python program. The intermediate
compilation step is hidden from the programmer; we can just type and run
our program immediately. The programmer does not have to explicitly
compile the code, so there is no separate compile time in Python; there is only runtime. The compilation to byte code is done to improve the efficiency
as the byte code can be interpreted faster than the original source code.
In this whole process, the byte code compiler is a software that converts
source code to byte code, and PVM is a software that converts byte code to
machine code for the target platform. Python Virtual machine contains some
platform specific components that may be implemented differently for each
platform. This allows the virtual machine to convert the byte code into native
machine code according to the platform. It abstracts away the underlying
hardware and operating system details and thus provides a consistent
runtime environment for Python programs across different platforms. Both
the byte code compiler and the virtual machine are part of the Python
interpreter software and are included in your Python installation.
The intermediate bytecode is generally cached for faster execution. It is
stored in .pyc or .pyo files inside a folder named __pycache__ and the
programmer can just ignore these files. When the program is run multiple
times without modifying the source code, the compiled byte code from the
cached file is loaded and executed instead of re-compiling from source code
to byte code every time. This byte code is stored only for imported files, not
for the top-level scripts; we will see the difference between the two later in
the section.
The Jython implementation translates Python code into Java byte code,
enabling its execution on a Java virtual machine. An advantage of Jython is
its ability to directly access Java libraries. Similarly, IronPython is designed
for the .NET framework and facilitates integration with .NET components.
Some implementations of virtual machines (bytecode interpreters) use just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to speed up the interpretation process.
The PyPy implementation of Python has better speed as it includes a just-in-time compiler for faster execution of the byte code. Just-in-time compiler
will compile the frequently executed blocks of byte code to machine code
and cache the result. Next time, when the virtual machine has to execute the
same block of byte code, the pre-compiled(cached) machine code is utilized
and executed, resulting in faster execution. So, the JIT compiler uses the
compilation approach to improve the efficiency of bytecode execution.
Installing Python
To download Python, visit the official website of Python. On the homepage,
select the Downloads option to go to the download page, or you can directly goto The website will automatically detect
your operating system and provide a suitable installer that corresponds to
your system’s requirements, whether it be 32-bit or 64-bit. Click on the
Download button to download the installer (.exe) file for the latest version of
Python. At the time of writing this book, the latest version is 3.11.3. If you
wish to download any previous version of Python, you can scroll down the
page and click on the download button located next to the version number
you desire.
Once the download is complete, double-click on the installer to execute it
and begin the installation process. On the first screen of the installer, you
will be presented with two choices, Install Now and Customize
Installation Clicking on "Install Now" will install Python with the default
features, while clicking on "Customize Installation" will allow you to
change the installation location or install other optional and advanced
features. The defaults should work well for now, so we will go with Install
Now. Before clicking on Install Now, make sure to select the Add
python.exe to PATH checkbox, as this will add Python to your system’s PATH environment variable and will enable you to run Python from the
command prompt.
Click Yes if it asks for permission to make changes to your device. The
installation begins, and all the required Python files along with the standard
library will be installed on your system.
After the installation is complete, the following pop-up box will appear. This
shows that Python is installed on your system. Click on Close to complete
the installation and exit the installer. The appearance of the images shown in
the screenshots may vary depending on the version of Python that you
choose to install.
To verify the installation, write cmd in the Start search menu to open the
command prompt window and type the command python --version.
If Python has been successfully installed on your system, it will show the
version of the Python installed. Now write python all in lowercase in the
command window. You will see a line with some text describing the Python
version and after that, you will see a prompt with three greater-than signs
(>>>). This is the Python shell prompt. Write 8 + 2 and press Enter; you
will get the output as 10 on the next line. The prompt appears again; this
time, write print(’Hello world’) and the text Hello world will
appear on the next line. This verifies that Python is up and working on your
system. On this interactive Python shell, you can execute single statements
of Python. To quit this Python shell and come back to your command
prompt, type quit() or exit() or press Ctrl-Z.
You can also verify your installation by opening the Integrated Development
and Learning Environment application(IDLE) which is installed by default
with Python. To open IDLE, type idle or python in the Start search menu
and click on the IDLE app. If the installation is successful, IDLE will show
an interactive Python shell window in which you can type Python commands
at the shell prompt (>>>) and execute them.
Installation on Mac is done in a similar way. Most macOS systems come
with Python, but usually, it is the 2.x version. To check if Python is installed,
type python --version on your terminal. To check if Python 3 is
installed, type python3 --version on your terminal. If Python 3 is not
installed, you can install it from the official website, and if it is installed, you
can update it to get the latest version.
Visit the official Python website and download the installer package (.pkg file) that if offers for your system. After downloading, double-click on the
installer to run the installation process. Proceed with the installation by
following the on-screen instructions and accepting the defaults. You may
need to enter your administrator password to authorize the installation.
After the installation process is complete, Python’s installation folder will
automatically open up. Inside this folder, you will find IDLE application,
which, as we have seen, is the development environment that comes with
Python. Double-click on this application to open it. If the installation is
successful, IDLE will display the interactive Python shell. You can type
print(’Hello world’) at the shell prompt to verify that it is
functioning correctly. To confirm the installation on the terminal, open the
Terminal application and type python3 –version and press Enter.
This should show the version of Python that you have installed. Type
python3 to open the Python shell, which shows the >>> prompt where you
can start typing Python statements. You can close this Python shell by
entering Ctrl D or typing exit().
Installation on Linux can be done through the Package Manager specific to
your distribution. Linux systems come with Python installed on them. To
check whether Python is installed correctly or to check before installation
whether Python is already there on the system, execute the following
command irrespective of your operating system.
$ python3 --version
$ python --version
On Mac and Linux, the python --version command will mostly show
the Python 2 version and the python3 --version command will show
the Python 3 version.
After you have installed Python on your machine, you can either use an
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write and execute your
Python scripts, or you can write your script in a text editor and execute them
on the command line. An IDE combines a text editor and software tools to
provide a program development environment. You can create, edit, run and
debug your programs using a single interface and this makes program
development easier.
We will be working on IDLE, which is the built-in IDE for Python. IDLE is
included with the Python standard distribution for Windows and macOS, so
there is no need to install it separately. To get started with Python, IDLE is a
good IDE. It has an interactive interpreter and features like smart
indentation, auto-completion and syntax highlighting and also includes a
basic debugger. There are many other popular text-based editors and IDEs
available that can work with Python. If you want, you can choose any of
them to write your programs.
Eclipse is the IDE for development in Java. If you are familiar with Eclispe,
you can install the PyDev plugin to develop Python programs. If you are
comfortable working with Vim, you can use it for Python development by
adding some plugins. PyCharm is the Python IDE for professional
developers by JetBrains and comes in both free and paid editions. Sublime
Text is a code editor that supports Python and many other languages. If you
don’t want to install Python on your computer, there are online platforms
available that provide a web based Python interpreter.
Python Interactive Mode
Whether you work on the command line or use IDLE, there are two ways in
which you can use the Python interpreter script mode and interactive mode.
In the script mode, we write our program statements in a file and then
execute the contents of that file to get the output of the whole program. In
the interactive mode, we type single Python statements on the prompt and
we get to see the output immediately. This interactive experimentation is
particularly useful for beginners who have just started to learn the language.
Even when we have learned the language well, we can use this mode to
write short snippets of code and see how they work before putting them into
a big program. As we have seen in the previous section, we can enter the
interactive mode Python shell either through the command line or through
The shell prompt or interactive prompt (>>>) denotes that you are in the
Python interactive mode, so you can type just any valid Python statement or
expression, hit Enter, and the result will be displayed immediately.
>>> 4 + 6
>>> print('Hello')
The interactive mode has active memory that remembers the previously
executed statements on the prompt. However, this memory is active only for
the current session. If you exit the interpreter and open it again, the code you
typed in will not be available or remembered. So, if you want to retain and
reuse your code, you should place it in a file and save it.
Although the interactive mode is not used for developing programs, it can
serve as an excellent learning tool and can also be used to test code snippets.
This section will often use this mode to explain different language features.
You can also use this mode to play around with different Python constructs
and functionalities and explore more about them.
Here is something different and interesting that you can try on the interactive
prompt. Type import this, and you will get a short poem written by
Tim Peters. This poem summarizes the style and philosophy of Python in the
form of some guiding principles.
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to
There should be one-- and preferably only one --
obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first
unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a
bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be
a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do
more of those!
Executing a Python Script
Interactive mode is good for experimenting and exploring, but when we have
to write complete working programs that can be reused, we need to save our
work in a file. In script mode, we create a file of Python statements and
instruct the interpreter to execute the whole file, which is often called a
script. The interpreter will execute all statements in the file sequentially,
maintaining the order in which they appear.
There are two different ways of creating and executing scripts, we can write
the script in a text editor and execute it on the command line, or we can
create and execute the script in a development environment like IDLE. First,
let us see how to execute a script from the command line.
Create a new text file using a text editor like Notepad++. Write the following
two lines of code in the file and save it with the name all Python
files are conventionally saved with the .py extension.
print(5 + 3)
You have written your first Python program. Now, let us see how to run it
from the command line. On the command prompt, type python followed by
the filename with full path and press Enter. Our program will be executed and we can see the output.
If you do not want to type the whole path, you can first change your current
directory to the directory in which you have your file by using the cd
command. On recent versions of Windows and Python 3.3 onwards, you can
write py instead of python or even write the name of the file to execute it.
Next, let us see how to run a Python script using IDLE, the built-in IDE of
Python. When you open IDLE on your system, the Shell window appears. In
the File Menu, click on New File and a new window will open with Untitled
written on its title bar. Save the file with the name By default, your file
will be saved in the Python installation folder where the Python code is
stored. It is better to make a working folder for your programs in some other
location and save your files in that folder. After saving the file, write the
following code in the file.
print(5 - 2)
To run this program, either press F5 or click on Run Module in the Run
menu. The output of the program appears in the Python Shell window.
Similarly, we can execute any existing Python program in IDLE for
example, we can open and execute our file that we had created
using a text editor.
So now you know how to create a Python program and execute it. You can
either use IDLE to write and run your programs, or you can write your
program in a text editor and then run it on the command line. For beginners using IDLE is recommended. If you are using a text editor, Notepad++
would be a better choice than Notepad. You should not use a word processor
like MS Word which uses formatted text. The text editor should store text in
its pure form.
To write programs effectively, you need to have a good understanding of the
programming environment. Therefore, it is worth spending some time
looking at the features of IDLE, the IDE that you will be using to write your
programs. If you choose to use a different programming environment, make
sure that you familiarize yourself with it before starting to write programs.
IDLE is the abbreviated form for "Integrated Development and Learning Environment", Van Rossum probably named it after Eric Idle, who is a
member of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. It is a very simple integrated
development environment with features like syntax highlighting, automatic
code indentation, auto completion, call tips and a basic debugger. It is coded
in Python using the TKinter GUI toolkit and it is not platform-specific. It
works mostly in the same way on Windows, Unix and macOS. IDLE
provides you with a simple graphical user interface for performing
your programming tasks, so it is easier to use than the command line.
As we have seen, there are two window types in IDLE Shell Window and
Code Editor Window. The Shell window provides a Read-Eval-Print Loop
(REPL) environment for executing single statements. This window is
interactive; it gives output for your command immediately. When you launch
IDLE, the shell window opens up. Within this shell window, if you select
"New File" or "Open" from the File menu, the code editor window will
appear. In the code editor window, you can write and save a new program or
you can open an existing program. The editor of IDLE is multi-window, so
you can have multiple code editor windows open at a time. In any of the
open windows, the Windows menu presents a list of currently active
windows, enabling you to switch between them.
When you run the program written in the code editor window, the Shell
window automatically becomes active and any output or error messages for
the program will be displayed in this window. This means that if you have to
do some editing in the editor window, then you have to activate it either by
clicking on it or by switching to it through the Windows menu. If you want,
you can arrange both the code editor window and the shell window side by
side on your screen and then click on the one that you want to work in.
While the menu options in both windows are mostly similar, each one has
some distinct options. We will briefly discuss some menu options more
detailed information can be found in the IDLE doc option of the Help menu
of any of the two windows.
The File menu has its regular features like creating, opening, saving a file,
closing the current window and exiting IDLE.
The Edit menu also has its typical options like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy,
Paste, Select All, Goto line, Find and Replace. You can use Ctrl+space to see
a list of possible completions while typing a word. The Expand Word option
can be used to expand a prefix to match a full word used in the same
window. You can also use Tab for expanding words or for seeing a list of
possible completions. This feature can be used to avoid typing long names,
for instance, if you have defined the name total_marks, you can simply
type "to" and press the tab key to quickly access and reuse the name in your
current window. The Show Call Tip option is used while calling functions and Show Surrounding Parentheses highlights the surrounding parenthesis.
In the Shell menu, Restart Shell will restart the shell and clean the
environment. All the names that you have defined will be gone. The View
Last Restart will scroll this shell window to the last Shell restart. To access
command line history, you can use the options Previous History or Next
History or press Alt+p and Alt+n, respectively. This way, you can scroll
through previously entered commands.
The Debug menu is for debugging the program which involves detecting
and removing errors for your program.
In the Options menu, we have the configure IDLE option, which can be
used to change the settings of IDLE. We can change the preferences for font,
indentation, key shortcuts, startup windows and size, and text color theme.
IDLE uses color coding for highlighting different types of text, for example,
red for comments and orange for keywords. You can change the colors in the
Settings box and save your selections as a theme. IDLE comes in with a
built-in set of shortcut keys and you can define your own shortcut keys also.
You can change the window that opens up when you launch Python. By
default, the shell window is open when IDLE is launched; you can change
this default to make the editor window open. You can create new help
sources for IDLE. For example, you can provide a link to an online link or
any other file on your computer. The help source that you provide will
appear in the help menu. For most of the tasks, the default settings are pretty
good and most of the time, there is no need to change them. The Options menu in the editor window has the Show Code Context option which is useful in programs that have long functions or classes. If the name
of the function or class has scrolled above the top of the screen, you can
enable this option to see which function or class you are currently in.
The Help menu gives you access to the IDLE and Python documentation
available on the official website. You can use this documentation even when
you are not connected to the internet.
The code editor window includes a Format menu, which can be used to
format a selection in different ways. The Indent Region and Dedent Region
will shift the selected lines right or left. The default indent width is 4 spaces and it can be changed. However, changing it is not recommended since this
is the standard. The options Comment Out Region and Uncomment Region
will comment or uncomment the selected text; we will learn about comments
in the next chapter. The Tabify Region will turn leading stretches of spaces
into tabs and the Untabify Region will turn all tabs into spaces. Toggle Tabs
is there to switch between indenting with spaces and tabs.
The code editor window also includes the Run menu, which can be used to
run your code or check your code for syntax errors. You can also use it to
open or activate the Python Shell window.
There are context menus available, which you can open by right-clicking in
the window. In the Shell window, you have Cut, Copy, Paste, Go to file/line.
In the Editor window, you have Cut, Copy, Paste, Set Breakpoint and Clear
Breakpoint. The last two options are used while debugging.
Getting Help
To get help on any Python feature, you can utilize the shell prompt by typing
help followed by an opening parenthesis, a single quote, the keyword or
topic you require help with another single quote and finally a closing
>>> help('print')
>>> help('keywords')
>>> help('for')
If you write help(’toptics’), the available topics will appear and you
can get help on any of those topics.
The other way to get help is to get into the help mode. To start the help
mode type help followed by empty parentheses and press Enter.
>>> help()
In the help mode, we can see the help prompt in the window. Now, here, we
can directly type the item on which we are seeking help.
To see what topics are available, you can type topics and press Enter. The
help mode is suitable when you want to browse the help topics. To quit this
help mode and return to the interactive interpreter, type quit or you can
just press Enter without typing anything.
Python’s widespread popularity stems from its simplicity, versatility and power to streamline both basic and complex programming tasks. Its diverse implementation across industries from web development to data science proves its unmatched adaptability. Installing Python is just the first step to unlocking an interactive mode that fosters learning and experimentation. Executing scripts efficiently opens doors to automation and innovation while IDLE provides a user-friendly environment for coding enthusiasts. Whether you are troubleshooting code or seeking insights, Python’s robust support system ensures you are never left in the dark. As you embark on your Python journey, you are stepping into a world of limitless possibilities.
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